Thanks for checking out my website. I'm glad you're here.
I'm Calista Ocean - mother, writer, yoga practitioner, and someone who refuses to write a "bio" about myself in the third person. It's challenging to try to describe myself in a couple of short paragraphs, especially since I'd rather grab a cup of coffee with you so that I could get to know you too. Besides, eye contact is always nice and it would be lovely to end our chat with a warm hug.
A few things that I'll share with you for now - until we meet a a cafe somewhere...​I'm a fifty-something woman with wild, curly hair that it took me years to love. I'm a mother (which rocks!) I'm poet and a novelist and a keeper of journals. I'm a breast cancer survivor and a recovering perfectionist. I'm an extraordinary, ordinary woman who loves to dance and travel and sing kirtan and spend time in nature.
What is this site all about? It's about self-expression. It's about everything and nothing. It's the place that I show up to share my journey with others.
Embodying Your Inner Wisdom
What does it mean to embody your wisdom, courage and freedom?
Listen to Calista talk about this and other topics in an interview on the podcast "A Quest for Well-Being."
Are you tired of feeling tired?
Do you ever wish there was something beyond the calendar and the endless to do lists?
You daydream about traveling.
You imagine starting your own business or writing a novel.
Or maybe you just know that you want things to be different…really different.
You know that there is more to life and more of you that longs to be expressed.
But right now...
There’s so much on your to do list and so many people who count on you to get stuff done. Even when you put “me time” on the list, it’s too far down the list to get to. Or when you make time for yourself, you don’t have the energy to be creative or to do the things you want to do.
Most days, it's easier to feel numb and power through than to feel the loss of aspects of yourself that once felt so vital.
What if you could…
take the trip you’ve been dreaming of?
get the promotion or find a new job or launch your own business?
spend more time painting or writing or dancing or meditating?
move out of the city to live somewhere quieter?
change your life to reflect the beauty of your being?
Visit the Wisdom Cafe and schedule a FREE virtual coffee chat with me to help you decide where you want to go from here and create a map to get you started on your journey.
Break free from self-limiting beliefs and the constant need to please others.
Make time to rediscover your wisdom, courage and freedom.
Trust that your desire for something different is part of your journey
– a journey back to you.
"What if" is the key to what is possible.
How I can help...
I offer programs that are focused on embodying the wisdom, courage and freedom that already exist within you. Here are some of the things you can expect:
Tools to help you center and create a sense of stillness
Embodied practices to bring your wisdom and courage from your mind into your body so that you can move from thought into action
A non-judgmental environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings safely
Support in finding a path that leads you in the direction you want to go
Thoughtful and honest observations offered to help expand self-awareness
Ideas for actions you can take to nurture yourself and create shifts in how you are showing up for yourself and others
An invitation to make and keep commitments to yourself that are meaningful to you and bring your dreams to life
Someone to hold you accountable, explore challenges, and celebrate your achievements
Even if my workshops or programs aren’t for you right now, enter your email below to get my 5-week activity and reflection/journaling program - ‘Finding Your Freedom’
You’ll also receive my monthly newsletter which includes special offers and promotions on my books or upcoming programs. And I promise to respect your privacy. I never share your information with anyone and you can unsubscribe at any time.